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The demands of your machines work function have met their match. Our Series 45 pumps are designed to be modular and highly customizable with many options to optimize your hydraulic systems.



The demands of your machines work function have met their match. Our Series 45 pumps are designed to be modular and highly customizable with many options to optimize your hydraulic systems.

Series 45 open circuit axial piston pumps are designed with efficiency, reliability, and noise in mind.  All components required in a highly responsive hydraulic system.

With many integrated control variations including electric controls, Series 45 is designed to be applied with integrated circuit valves (HICs) and PVG proportional vales and PVE electric actuators.  

Our PLUS+1®   Compliant Series 45 is an ideal solution to meeting the growing need for more efficient hydraulic solutions.  View the new Series 45 product brochure or the Series 45 data sheet to learn more!


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